DC system professional inspection

I. Management regulations

The State Grid Corporation's "DC Power System Operation Specifications" operation management stipulates that the operation supervisory unit shall conduct annual inspection and evaluation of the DC power supply system under its jurisdiction.

Second, the inspection process and content

(1) The battery room ventilation, lighting and fire fighting equipment are in good condition, the temperature meets the requirements, and there are no flammable or explosive materials.

(2) The screen cabinet door is intact and the grounding is good.

(3) Check the battery for any leakage or deformation of the drum.

(4) The contiguous joints are firmly connected without looseness, the terminals are free of salt and coated with neutral petroleum jelly.

(5) The battery plate has no cracks, bends, deformation, vulcanization and short circuit. The color of the plate is normal, no undercharge and overcharge, and the electrolyte temperature does not exceed 35 °C.

(6) Each battery voltage is within the acceptable range.

(7) The charging device AC input voltage, DC output voltage, current is normal, the meter indication is correct, the protected sound and light signals are normal, and the running sound is normal.

(8) The voltage value of the DC control bus and power bus is within the specified range, and the float current value is in compliance with the regulations.

(9) The insulation of the DC system is in good condition.

(10) The operation monitoring signals of each branch are in good condition, the indication is normal, the fuse is not blown, and the automatic air switch is in the correct position.

(11) The cable fire prevention measures are perfect, and the cable head has no heat.

(12) The cable and protective appliance identification plate are indicated correctly.

(13) The isolation between the positive and negative terminals of the DC feeder (separation) screen terminal block is perfect.

(14) The DC circuit breaker input and output lines, positive and negative poles are wired according to the manufacturer's specifications, and there is no looseness.

(15) The insulation monitoring device has no damage and deformation.

Electrolytic capacitor

The electrolyte material inside the electrolytic capacitor, which has charge storage, is divided into positive and negative polarity, similar to the battery, and cannot be connected backwards.A metal substrate having an oxide film attached to a positive electrode and a negative electrode connected to an electrolyte (solid and non-solid) through a metal plate.

Nonpolar (dual polarity) electrolytic capacitor adopts double oxide film structure, similar to the two polar electrolytic capacitor after two connected to the cathode, the two electrodes of two metal plates respectively (both with oxide film), two groups of oxide film as the electrolyte in the middle.Polar electrolytic capacitors usually play the role of power filter, decoupling (like u), signal coupling, time constant setting and dc isolation in power circuit, medium frequency and low frequency circuit.Non-polar electrolytic capacitors are usually used in audio frequency divider circuit, television S correction circuit and starting circuit of single-phase motor.

Electrolytic Capacitor,Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor,High Voltage Electrolytic Capacitor,12V Electronic Components Capacitor

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