牟同升: OLED standard is worthy of attention

OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) technology, industry, and application are interdependent and promoted. Standards are an important part of regulating the industry and promoting industrial development. With the development of 3G (third generation mobile communication) mobile phones, mobile video displays and other consumer electronic products, O LED will have a better development. The development of OLED large-scale industrialization, flexible display technology, and PLED (polymer light-emitting diode) technology will bring huge business opportunities for the next stage of the OLED industry.

In the IECTC110/WG5OLED international standard, China is an important part of the three pillars of Japan and Korea. Although there is still a certain gap between China's OLED industry and Japan and South Korea, we are not weak in international standards. China has not only participated in the formation of the OLED International Standards Working Group from the very beginning, but also has filed, discussed and voted on all standards, and also led the formulation of two international standards, Tsinghua University (Beijing Weixinnuo Technology Co., Ltd.) and Zhejiang University. (Hangzhou Zheda Tricolor Instrument Co., Ltd.) undertook the drafting of two standards, IEC62341-6-1 and IEC62341-6-3, respectively, and served as the team leader. It should be said that it is one of the few areas in which China has the best standard discourse rights in international standards.

The standards responsible for Tsinghua University have passed the international voting and will be released soon. At present, Zhejiang University is responsible for the "OLED image quality test method", in which the "motion image resolution" test method is proposed, which is a new concept. The ability of flat panel displays to display moving images has always been one of the focus of the industry. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Due to the problem of response speed and display mode, there is a certain tailing in displaying moving images. Watching static or slow moving images is very clear, while high-speed moving images, the sharpness of the picture is greatly reduced.

Therefore, how to evaluate the clarity of dynamic images has always been a hot topic in the discussion of international standards. In the early days, more is expressed in terms of response time. Some time ago, more discussion was about the blurring width of the motion boundary. The international standard "LCD motion artifact test method", which is currently voting, uses the motion blur width parameter. The "moving image resolution" we developed is a more intuitive and realistic representation of the moving image clarity of the display. It will have a certain effect on the realization of the advantages of OLED. Of course, LCD technology is also developing, especially the application of new LED (light-emitting diode) backlight technology, which will also significantly enhance the moving image characteristics of LCD.

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