Research on Digital Demodulation Technology of Analog Modulation Signal Software-Defined-Radio (SDR) is a current communicaTIon research hotspot and the development direcTIon. Digital modulaTIon and demodulaTIon are important content of SDR. KEYWORDS: software radio, digital demodulation, discrete fourier transform, Matlab Table of Contents ................................................................................................ III Abstract Software radio (SDR) is a research hotspot and development direction of current communication technology. Digital modulation and demodulation are an important part of SDR. SDR demodulation generally uses digital coherent demodulation. The digital coherent demodulation method is the same as the analog coherent demodulation method in principle, but the calculation amount is relatively large. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is a commonly used and effective method in digital signal analysis and processing. This article proposes a digital demodulation algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) for analog modulation signals (AM, DSB, SSB and VSB inserted into a strong carrier). The method is to band-pass filter the sampled digital signal. Perform discrete Fourier transform (DFT) according to the sampled value in each (or several) carrier period, find the amplitude of the carrier, and then remove the DC component. Using Matlab language programming, the demodulation method of the aforementioned analog modulation signal based on DFT operation was simulated, and the results show that the anti-interference performance of the demodulation scheme has been significantly improved. Compared with the digital quadrature demodulation structure, local carrier recovery is omitted, two low-pass filtering is simple and easy to implement, and it is expected to be applied in the design of digital receivers using AM signal mode. Keywords: software radio, digital demodulation, discrete Fourier transform, Matlab ABSTRACT Chapter One Introduction Figure 1.1 Schematic diagram of the software radio system With the development of microelectronic technology, the performance of various digital devices continues to improve, and the existing digital radio will continue to develop, which will also make A / D / A approach the RF end step by step. So will software radio be just a further development of digital radio? The answer is no. We believe that the further development of software radio and digital radio is conceptually different. This is mainly because the move of A / D / A to the RF end only provides the essential conditions for the realization of software radio, and the really critical step is to use general programmable devices with strong programmable capabilities (DSP, CPU, etc.) instead. Dedicated digital circuit. The resulting series of benefits is the real purpose of software radio. Chapter 2 Digital Demodulation Scheme of Analog Modulation Signal The quadrature modulation and demodulation algorithm can use almost the same hardware circuit, and only by performing different software processing on the amplitude and phase can the demodulation of different modulation signals be met to meet the design requirements of software radio. In practice, the structure of FPGA and DSP working together is generally adopted. FPGA mainly completes the work that needs to be completed at high rates such as down-conversion and filter extraction, which is the hardware general part of the demodulation algorithm. DSP is responsible for the amplitude and amplitude of different modulated signals. Phase is the final software demodulation algorithm. In summary, the orthogonal demodulation algorithm has certain theoretical and practical application value. (2.3) 图2.2 基于DFTçš„AMä¿¡å·æ•°å—化解调框图 在该算法ä¸ï¼Œé¦–å…ˆå¯¹é‡‡æ ·åŽçš„æ•°å—化AMä¿¡å·è¿›è¡Œå¸¦é€šæ»¤æ³¢ï¼Œå–出带外信å·ï¼Œå¹¶å¯¹å™ªå£°æœ‰ä¸€å®šçš„抑制效果,然åŽè¿›è¡ŒDFT解调æ¢å¤ï¼›è®¾é‡‡æ ·é¢‘率AMä¿¡å·çš„载波频率的må€ï¼Œå³æ¯ä¸ªè½½æ³¢å‘¨æœŸé‡‡æ ·m个点,m是大于或ç‰äºŽ3的整数,æ¯å–å¾—mæ ¼é‡‡æ ·æ•°æ®ï¼ˆè®°ä¸ºï¼‰è¿›è¡Œä¸€æ¬¡DFT,求出载波幅值: (2.6) (2.7) ç¬¬ä¸‰ç« åŸºäºŽDFTçš„æ•°å—åŒ–è§£è°ƒç³»ç»Ÿç»“æž„å¦‚ç¬¬äºŒç« æ‰€è¿°ï¼ŒåŸºäºŽDFTçš„æ•°å—化解调系统结构分为四个主è¦çš„部分,A/D,带通滤波器,DFTè¿ç®—以åŠä¿¡å·æ¢å¤éƒ¨åˆ†ã€‚ æ¥é€‰æ‹©é‡‡æ ·é¢‘率。 (3.6) 在少数著作ä¸ç»™å‡ºçš„å…¬å¼ä¸º: (3.8) 这两套公å¼æ˜¯æˆå¯¹çš„,å³æ¯å¥—å…¬å¼ä¸æ£å˜æ¢æˆç«‹ï¼Œåˆ™é€†å˜æ¢ä¹Ÿä¸€å®šæˆç«‹ï¼Œå之亦然。它们的差别仅仅在于系数I/Nçš„ä½ç½®ä¸åŒï¼Œå‰è€…将之放在DFTä¸ï¼Œè€ŒåŽè€…将之放在IDFTä¸ã€‚那么它们有什么区别呢?应当如何选择呢?实际上,公å¼(3.5)采用的是零延拓原ç†ï¼Œæ˜¯å¯¹æœ‰é™åºåˆ—采用傅立å¶å˜æ¢äº†åˆ†æžè€Œå¾—到的,它代表FT谱的â€æŠ½æ ·å€¼â€ï¼Œåæ˜ æœ‰é™é•¿åºåˆ—的总体é‡ï¼Œä¸Žåºåˆ—的长度有关;而公å¼(3.7)是时é™ä¿¡å·x(t) ( )周期延拓åŽçš„å‚…ç«‹å¶ç³»æ•°è¿‘似值,它åæ˜ çš„æ˜¯ä¿¡å·çš„å¹³å‡æ€§è´¨ï¼Œä¸Žåºåˆ—çš„é•¿åº¦æ— å…³ã€‚åœ¨å…·ä½“é€‰ç”¨æ—¶ï¼Œåº”æ ¹æ®å®žé™…情况æ¥é€‰æ‹©ä½¿ç”¨å“ªç§å…¬å¼ã€‚ å…¶ä¸n=0,1,…N-1 (3.12) (3.13) ç”±æ¤å¯çŸ¥DFTè¿ç®—完全å¯ä»¥æå–出æ£å¼¦ä¿¡å·çš„幅度信æ¯ã€‚ ç¬¬å››ç« æ¨¡æ‹Ÿè°ƒåˆ¶ä¿¡å·æ•°å—化解调实现与仿真 (4.3) 图4.1 AMä¿¡å·æ—¶åŸŸåŠé¢‘域图 从图4.1å¯ä»¥çœ‹å‡ºï¼ŒAM波的振幅å˜åŒ–与音频信å·ä¸€è‡´ï¼Œå…¶æ³¢å½¢æ˜¯ä¸Šä¸‹å¯¹ç§°çš„。在图4.1ä¸ï¼Œå¯ä»¥çœ‹å‡ºåŒ…å«äº†3个部分,第1部分是原æ¥çš„载波,频率是fc,振幅还是A0,第2部分为比载波高一个音频频的波(fc+fm1,fc+fm2,fc+fm3),第3部分为比载波低一个音频频率的波(fc-fm1,fc-fm2,fc-fm3),这二个部分分别被称为上侧边带和下侧边带(USB,LSB),从å¼ï¼ˆ4.2)å¯ä»¥çŸ¥é“这二个边带波å„å«æœ‰ä¸€ä¸ªéŸ³é¢‘ä¿¡å·fm1,fm2,fm3,AMæ³¢ä¸çš„è¿™3个æˆåˆ†é™¤äº†ä¸€ä¸ªåŽŸè½½æ³¢æ˜¯ç‰å¹…波外,从å¼ï¼ˆ4.2)ä¸æŽ¨æ–,上下边带这二个波æˆåˆ†å…¶å®žä¹Ÿæ˜¯ç‰å¹…æ³¢(å‡å®šéŸ³é¢‘fm1,fm2,fm3æ¤æ—¶ä¸ºä¸€å›ºå®šé¢‘率比如1KHZ,2KHZ,3KHZçš„æ£å¼¦æ³¢),在调幅指数m为1时振幅分别为载波振幅的一åŠ(A/2),频率分别为fc+fm1,fc+fm2,fc+fm3å’Œfc-fm1,fc-fm2,fc-fm3,也就是说音频信å·fm1,fm2,fm3分别包å«åœ¨è¿™äºŒä¸ªç‰å¹…æ³¢ä¸ã€‚ 调制信å·ä¸ºï¼š DSBä¿¡å·äº§ç”ŸåŽŸç†æ–¹æ¡†å›¾å¦‚图4.3所示,其ä¸è¯¦ç»†ä»‹ç»äº†DSBä¿¡å·äº§ç”Ÿçš„过程。 从图4.2å¯ä»¥çœ‹å‡ºï¼ŒDSB-SC波的振幅å˜åŒ–与音频信å·ä¸€è‡´ï¼Œå…¶æ³¢å½¢æ˜¯ä¸Šä¸‹å¯¹ç§°çš„。在图4.2ä¸ï¼Œå¯ä»¥çœ‹å‡ºåŒ…å«äº†2个部分,第1部分为比载波高一个音频频的波(fc+fm1,fc+fm2,fc+fm3),第2部分为比载波低一个音频频率(fc-fm1,fc-fm2,fc-fm3) 的波,这二个部分分别被称为上侧边带和下侧边带(USB,LSB),从å¼ï¼ˆ4.2)å¯ä»¥çŸ¥é“这二个边带波å„å«æœ‰ä¸€ä¸ªéŸ³é¢‘ä¿¡å·fm1,fm2,fm3。 (4.6) 采用上边带调制时的å•è¾¹å¸¦ä¿¡å·æ—¶åŸŸè¡¨è¾¾å¼ä¸º (4.7) 产生上边带信å·æ—¶ï¼š (4.8) (4.9) SSBä¿¡å·é€šè¿‡MATLABä¿¡å·ä»¿çœŸï¼Œäº§ç”Ÿå¦‚图4.5,4.6所示的截图:图上方为时域部分,图下方为频域部分。其产生原ç†å³ç”±å›¾4.4所示的原ç†æ–¹æ¡†å›¾ã€‚ 图4.6 抑制载波å•è¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶ï¼ˆSSB)信å·ï¼ˆä¸‹è¾¹å¸¦ï¼‰åŠé¢‘è°± (4.12) Plug-In Connecting Terminals,Insulated Spade Terminals,Cable Connector Double Spade Terminals,Vinyl-Insulated Locking Spade Terminals Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,Ltd. ,
The SDR demodulation generally uses digital correlative demodulation. Digital correlative demodulation is the same with analog correlative demodulation, but its calculation is complicated. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used for digital signal analysis and processing. The paper is about a DFT-based algorithm for AM (DSB, SSB and VSB with strong carrier) signal demodulation. The main idea is to filter the digitalized AM signal received with BPF, then do DFT on samples in every one (or several) carrier circle to get the amplitude of AM signal and get rid of the zero frequency current. Compared with digital orthogonal demodulation framework, it is simple and easier to be realized for it doesn't need to resume local carrier and filter with LPF in two branches. Simulation of this demodulation scheme indicates that noise -resisting property has been improved obviously. It is hopeful for this demodulation scheme to be applied to the design of AM signal digital receiver.
The paper also discussed the SSB, VSB signal modulation theory and simulation of the formation of SSB, VSB signal scheme.
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………… IV
Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................. 1
1.1 Software Radio Technology ........................................................................ 1
1.1.1 Basic principles ........................................................................ 1
1.1.2 System structure ........................................................................ 2
1.2 Practical application of software radio ............................................................ 3
1.3 Modulation and demodulation technology in software radio ................................................ 5
1.4 The content of the project design ........................................................................ 6
Chapter 2 Digital Modulation Demodulation of Analog Modulation Signal .......................................... 8
2.1 Two demodulation schemes ..................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Digital quadrature demodulation ............................................................ 8
2.1.2 Digital demodulation based on DFT ………………………………………… 10
2.2 Comparison of plans ........................................................................ 11
Chapter 3 Structure of Digital Demodulation System Based on DFT ……………………………… 12
3.1 Part A / D .............................................................................. 12
3.2 Part of the band-pass filter ………………………………………………………… 13
3.3 DFT calculation part ........................................................................ 14
3.3.1 Selection of DFT formula ............................................................ 14
3.3.2 Discussion on the principle of DFT processing digital signal .................................... 15
3.4 Signal recovery part .................................................................. 16
Chapter 4 Realization and Simulation of Digital Demodulation of Analog Modulation Signal .................................... 18
4.1 Introduction to Matlab and Communication Simulation ...................................................... 18
4.2 Realization of analog modulated signal ...................................................... 19
4.2.1 AM signal modulation algorithm and implementation .......................................... 19
4.2.2 DSB signal modulation algorithm and implementation .......................................... 20
4.2.3 SSB signal modulation algorithm and implementation ................................................ 22
4.2.4 VSB signal modulation algorithm and implementation ................................................ 24
4.3 Digital demodulation method and simulation of analog modulation signal .................................... 26
4.3.1 AM signal demodulation method and simulation ................................................ 26
4.3.2 DSB signal demodulation method and simulation ................................................ 27
4.3.3 SSB signal demodulation method and simulation .......................................... 29
4.3.4 VSB signal demodulation method and simulation ................................................ 32
Chapter 5 Summary and Prospects .................................................................. 33
5.1 Advantages of plan design and areas to be improved .......................................... 33
5.2 Summary .............................................................................. 34
5.3 Gain and Experience ........................................................................ 35
Conclusion ....................................................................................... 36 References ................................................ .......................................... 37
Appendix ................................................................................................... 38
The modulation principle of SSB and VSB signals and the methods of SSB and VSB signals generated in the simulation are also discussed.
1.1 Software Radio Technology Software radio, as the name implies, uses modern software to manipulate and control the traditional "pure hardware circuit" wireless communication. The important value of software radio technology is that the traditional hardware radio communication equipment is only used as the basic platform of radio communication, and many communication functions are implemented by software, breaking the historical pattern that the realization of device communication functions only depends on hardware development. . The emergence of software radio technology is the third revolution in the communication field after fixed communication to mobile communication, analog communication to digital communication [1].
1.1.1 Basic principles of software radio The basic idea of ​​software radio is to convert broadband analog-to-digital converter (A / D, Analog / Digital, analog / digital) and digital-to-analog converter (D / A, Digital / Analog, digital / analog) ) As close to the antenna as possible, establish a universal, open hardware platform with the "AD-DSP (Digital Signal Process, Digital Signal Processing)-DA" model, on this platform as much as possible to use software technology to achieve various radio stations Function module [2]. Such as the use of broadband ADC (Analog Digital Convert, analog-to-digital converter) through programming to achieve the selection of various communication frequency bands, such as HF (High Frequency, high frequency), VHF (Very High Frequency, UHF), UHF (Ultra High Frequency (UHF), SHF (Super High Frequency), etc., through the software programming to complete the transmission signal sampling, quantization, coding, decoding operation processing and conversion, in order to achieve the radio frequency transceiver function; through software programming Realize the selection of different channel modulation methods, such as amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, single sideband, data, frequency hopping and spread spectrum, etc., through software programming to achieve different security structures, network protocols and control terminal functions. Software radio is a software-based, computationally intensive form of operation.
From the perspective of the technical realization of software radio, the decisive step is to apply the wideband antenna or multiband antenna to the A / D and D / A converters as close as possible to the radio frequency end, and perform A / D conversion of the entire mid-band. The processing is implemented with programmable digital devices, especially software. It can be seen that such an architecture has great versatility. It has great potential to solve the problems mentioned above, and can be used to realize a multi-band, multi-user and multi-system universal wireless communication system. To realize the above system, the antenna, high-speed A / D converter, high-speed digital signal processor and general-purpose CPU (Central Processing Unit) are all very demanding.
The above requirements were almost unachievable in the past (even some requirements are now). However, we can refer to the experience in the field of personal computers. In the early days when the concept of personal microcomputers was proposed, the computer industry also competed with different machines. There was no standard at all. Since the microelectronics technology at that time was still very backward, most people thought that it was unrealistic for an individual to own a computer. In just over a decade, the development of microelectronics technology has made personal microcomputers the most popular industry today, and those companies and countries that did not seize the opportunity in the early stages of development have fallen far behind. Now the competition in the field of microcomputers has shifted the focus to the competition of software. The personal communication system of the next century will most likely be a universal hardware platform with amazing processing capabilities and standard RF interfaces, relying on different software to provide exceptionally rich functions and services, that is to say, the communication field will experience similar personal computers The changes we experienced in the 1980s and 1990s are now the critical moment for this change.
The background of the concept of software radio is [3]:
1. The hardware technology level is improving rapidly, and the performance of A / D / A, DSP and CPU is getting better and better.
2. New communication systems and standards are constantly being proposed. The survival time of communication products is shortened and the development costs are increased. It is difficult for traditional communication systems to adapt.
3. Various communication systems coexist, and the requirements for interconnection among various systems are also becoming stronger. This is particularly prominent in military communications, and it is also the main reason for the first development of software radio in the military field.
4. The wireless frequency band is becoming more and more crowded, and the frequency band utilization rate and anti-interference ability of the communication system are constantly increasing. Along with the development direction of the current communication system, it is difficult to re-plan the frequency band, and adopting a new anti-jamming method requires major changes to the system structure, which is very expensive.
1.1.2 The system structure of software radio can be seen from Figure 1.1, the so-called software radio, its key ideas and the main difference from the traditional structure are:
1. Move A / D and D / A closer to the RF (Radio Frequency) end. Move from baseband to intermediate frequency. Sampling the entire system band.
2. Use high-speed DSP / CPU instead of traditional dedicated digital circuits and low-speed DSP / CPU to do a series of processing after A / D. The above two points are just structural differences.
The ultimate goal of software radio is to free the communication system from the constraints of the hardware system structure. Under the circumstance that the system structure is relatively universal and stable, various functions are realized through software, which makes the improvement and upgrade of the system very convenient and low cost, and different systems can be interconnected and compatible. The further development of digital radio cannot do this [4]. It can only lead to more reliance on hardware and system architecture. However, at present, software radio appears more in the form of a concept and conjecture, and the specific definition and architecture are inconclusive. It can be said that in addition to the two key ideas mentioned above being generally accepted, the contents of other aspects are being debated and discussed. What this article discusses is the digital modulation and demodulation technology in software radio, no further discussion will be done in other aspects.
1.2 The practical application of software radio As an emerging technology, software radio currently has the following application areas:
1. Cellular mobile communication system In a cellular mobile communication system, the base station and the mobile terminal use a software radio structure, the hardware is simple, and the functions are defined by the software. The radio frequency band, channel access mode and channel modulation are programmable. In this system, the transmission of software radio is different from other systems. It divides the available transmission channels, detects the propagation path, performs modulation for the channel, electronically controls the transmission beam to point in the correct direction, selects the appropriate power, and then transmits. The same is true for reception. It can divide the energy distribution of the current channel and adjacent channels, identify the mode of the input transmission signal, adaptively cancel interference, estimate the dynamic characteristics of the required signal multipath, and perform coherent combination on the multipath required signal. With adaptive equalization, the channel modulation is grid-decoded, and then FEC (Forward Error Correct, Forward Error Correction) decoding corrects the remaining errors to reduce the bit error rate as much as possible. In addition, software radio can increase value-added services through many software tools. These software tools can help analyze the radio environment, define the required additional content, and test the model of value-added services developed by software in a wireless environment, and finally open the value-added services through software or hardware.
2. Smart antennas Smart antennas were originally used in the fields of radar, sonar, and military communications. Due to price and other factors, they have not been popularized in other communication fields. In recent years, digital signal processing technology has developed rapidly, the processing power of digital signal processing chips has been continuously improved, and chip prices have been accepted. At the same time, the use of digital technology can form an antenna beam in the baseband, replacing the analog circuit, improving the reliability and flexibility of the antenna system. In China's TD-SCDMA (Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access, Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access) scheme, the base station uses smart antenna technology and digital signal processing technology to identify the direction of user signal arrival and form the antenna main beam.
After introducing the SDMA (Spase Division Multiple Access, space division multiple access) mode, different spatial channels are provided according to different spatial propagation directions of user signals. The digital method is used to weight the processing of the received signals of the array elements to form a wireless beam, and the main beam is directed to the direction of the user signal. The direction of the interference signal forms zero defects or lower power gain in the antenna direction to achieve the purpose of suppressing interference.
The advantage of using smart wireless is that the result of wireless beamforming is equivalent to increasing the gain of the antenna; after the antenna beamforming, it can greatly reduce multipath interference; the direction of signal arrival provides user terminal position information for user positioning ; Replace high-power amplifiers with multiple low-power amplifiers, reducing base station costs and improving equipment reliability.
3. Multi-frequency multi-mode mobile phone In the ACTS FIRST (Acoustic Control and Telemetry System) project in Europe, software radio technology is used to design multi-frequency / multi-mode (compatible with GSM (Global System of Mobile System)), CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and most existing analog systems) programmable mobile phones. It can automatically detect the received signal and access different networks, and can meet the requirements of different connection times. Software radio technology can use different software to realize various functions of different radio equipment, can change the channel access mode or modulation mode arbitrarily, and use different software to adapt to different standards, form a multi-mode mobile phone and multi-function base station, with a high degree of flexibility.
With its appearance, the development of communications has undergone three changes from fixed to mobile, from analog to digital, and from hardware to software. Software radio technology is becoming more and more widely used in the field of mobile communications. During the transition from the second generation mobile communication system to the third generation mobile communication system, software radio technology will play an important role.
4. Satellite communication In today's communication field, satellite communication is one of the most important communication methods. However, due to the wide variety of equipment in the satellite communication system and the complicated equipment management and maintenance work, the satellite communication system has a long replacement cycle and cannot be well adapted to the pace of modern high-tech development. The software radio can solve the problems of satellite communication systems with its software-defined functions and open modular structure. Therefore, it is very meaningful to study satellite communication systems with software radio characteristics.
In satellite communication systems, system functions mainly refer to multiple access methods, network structure, networking protocols, and communication services; while device functions refer to interface standards, modem methods, channel coding methods, source coding methods, information rates, and multiplexing By way of waiting. The idea of ​​software radio technology is to adopt advanced technical means, so that the above functions can be defined by software. Through the friendly man-machine interface, people can change the function of the communication system in real time without changing the hardware equipment, so that the system can adapt to various application environments, so it has strong applicability and flexibility.
Considering the characteristics of satellite communication frequency bandwidth, high information rate and wide range of changes, at the current computer technology level, if the device functions are all implemented by software, due to the characteristics of the software's operation instructions one by one, even if multiple processors are used to coordinate It is also impossible to realize real-time processing at high information rates due to calculations, which limits its use in satellite communications.
The application prospect of software radio technology in the field of commercial communication is very broad. At present, software radio technology has been applied in 800MHz commercial cellular radio frequency bands, satellite communication and other fields. As a strong structural framework, it helps us provide advanced, Economic wireless business. Software radio also has some shortcomings, such as the difficulty in designing wide-band, low-loss antennas and radio frequency converters; it is difficult to estimate the demand for processing power in practice and the configuration of reprogrammable DSP / CPU processing power; it is difficult to guarantee internal processing The data rate of the controller interface. At present, there are no open structural standards for key components of the software radio structure. The DSP function library cannot mix and match real-time software from different software vendors like the mixing and matching VME (Versamodel Eurocard, a traditional telecommunications equipment bus) board. However, with the rapid development of modern communication technology, most of these shortcomings can be avoided, and at the same time overcoming these obstacles, it can further reduce costs and enable software radio stations to be put on the market as soon as possible.
1.3 Modulation and demodulation technology in software radio Modulation and demodulation technology has been continuously developed and improved in recent decades. In general, it can be divided into two categories: single-tone modulation and multi-tone modulation. The single tone modulation method uses input data to modulate different components of a single carrier (such as amplitude, frequency, phase, etc.) at a certain time, so it is also called single carrier modulation. Multi-tone modulation usually divides the original channel into multiple orthogonal sub-channels at equal intervals, and each sub-channel uses a different carrier for modulation. Therefore, multi-tone modulation is also called multi-carrier or multi-channel parallel modulation, sometimes also called OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing).
Because the single carrier modulation technology is relatively mature, the current data communication system mostly uses this modulation method. However, since Weinstein, Ebert and others proposed to use DFT for frequency division multiplexing in multitone modulation systems in 1971, multitone modulation technology has received more and more attention [5]. Compared with single-tone modulation, it has the following characteristics: the maximum transmission rate obtained by using a multi-tone modulation scheme and a single-tone modulation scheme using decision feedback equalization is approximately equal. However, for channels with distortion, fading, or non-white noise, multi-tone modulation can achieve higher transmission rates; because multi-tone modulation has the characteristics of multi-channel parallelism, its modulation signal does not require any special at the receiving end. The processing can obtain the signal-to-noise ratio or signal-to-interference ratio equivalent to that obtained by the single-tone modulation and demodulation system at the receiving end; in order to obtain better transmission performance, you can use equalization in a multi-tone modulation system Technology, because the channel characteristics in each narrow-band sub-channel are approximately linear and the impulse response tailing is less, the equalization of multi-tone modulation is much simpler than that of single-tone modulation; phase jitter Will cause the signal to rotate in space, which seriously affects the decision: in a multi-tone modulation system, the distortion caused by phase jitter is evenly distributed in each sub-channel, so that its impact is greatly reduced; at the same transmission rate In the case of multi-tone modulation system, the longer symbol period makes the impact of pulse interference on it much weaker than that of single-tone modulation Impact; In a single tone modulation system, it is more sensitive to single frequency interference, while in a multitone modulation system, each sub-channel can transmit different numbers of bits according to their respective signal-to-noise ratio, and can close channels with severe interference, which can both Make full use of the frequency band, and can overcome a variety of interference.
The modulation and demodulation of signals in software radio is one of the key issues of research. On the common hardware platform, using different software algorithms to achieve different modulation and demodulation is the core idea of ​​software radio.
In software radio systems, both modulation and demodulation are implemented by programs (also called fully digital modulation and demodulation). To write modulation and demodulation software for various types of modulated signals, the key is to determine the signal processing algorithm. You can use FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array, field programmable logic device) to achieve the required modulation and demodulation algorithm, its calculation speed is faster than DSP, but the flexibility and control functions are poor, and it needs to be used in conjunction with DSP or single chip microcomputer. The latest technology is to use DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform) to implement a digital modulation and demodulation algorithm. This is a method that does not require a local carrier. This article will focus on the introduction.
One way to establish modem algorithms and procedures is to softwareize the working principle of analog circuits. For example, the method of coherent demodulation of AM (Amplitude Modulation) signal, or the establishment of carrier synchronization, multiplier, low-pass filtering and other software modules is feasible, but it is very computationally intensive. In fact, according to the characteristics of software radio, a modulation and demodulation algorithm that differs from the working principle of the modulation and demodulation circuit can be established. What this question proposes is a different modulation and demodulation algorithm-a digital demodulation algorithm for analog modulation signals based on DFT.
In summary, the modulation and demodulation of signals in software radio is one of the key issues of research.
1.4 Project design content and research purpose and significance Digital modulation refers to the use of software to generate a sample sequence of modulated signals, and then through D / A conversion to obtain an analog modulated signal, digital demodulation refers to the A / A D conversion, and then demodulate the signal through data processing. Digital modulation and demodulation is an important content in SDR (Software-Defined Radio, software radio technology). SDR mainly relies on software to complete various functions of the receiving system, such as modulation and demodulation, smart antenna, signal identification, etc. Its advantage is that it can greatly simplify the hardware of the product, greatly improve the reliability, and facilitate production and maintenance. You can update the software To achieve product function upgrades, etc. SDR is an important research field and development direction of current communication technology.
The title of this graduation project is: Specific Requirements for the Research of Digital Demodulation Technology for Analog Modulation Signals:
1. To study the basic concept of SDR, focusing on digital demodulation technology.
2. Design an AM signal digital demodulation algorithm based on discrete Fourier transform
3. Program the AM signal with MATLAB language and realize digital demodulation.
4. Study the digital modulation and demodulation methods of DSB, SSB and VSB signals.
The research content of this subject involves the digital demodulation method in software radio. The author introduces the existing digital signal demodulation method based on discrete short-time Fourier transform (DSTFT) into the widely used demodulation in communication systems and carries out To improve, a digital demodulation method for AM signals based on discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is proposed. The author also used MATLAB language programming to simulate the demodulation system to verify its feasibility and anti-interference performance (signal-to-noise ratio). The significance of the DFT-based AM signal digital demodulation method lies in two aspects. First of all, this demodulation method does not require the local carrier extraction and two low-pass like the existing digital orthogonal demodulation method to demodulate the AM signal. The digital filter greatly reduces the calculation amount of the demodulation algorithm; secondly, compared with the traditional AM signal demodulation method, the performance of the demodulator is improved to a certain extent under the same input signal-to-noise ratio.
The article is arranged as follows: we will talk about two commonly used digital modulation demodulation schemes in the second chapter: digital quadrature demodulation and DFT-based digital demodulation, and compare the schemes, and finally choose an obvious Solution-digital demodulation based on DFT. The third chapter discusses the system structure of the digital demodulation scheme based on DFT, and introduces the functions and theoretical knowledge of each part in detail. Starting from the fourth chapter, the modulation algorithm and demodulation algorithm of analog modulation signal are discussed, and the simulation is realized with Matlab. Finally, it summarizes the deficiencies in the design process and the areas to be improved, analyzes the prospects of the design, and prospects the next step.
2.1 Two kinds of demodulation schemes Software radio has become a new subject of modern communication technology research. Its basic idea is to implement different communication functions by installing different software on a common hardware platform. Software radio has an open modular structure, which is mainly composed of broadband A / D & D / A, programmable DSP module, narrowband A / D & D / A, user terminal, etc. [6]. During reception, the signal from the antenna undergoes RF processing and conversion, is digitized by wideband A / D, and then realizes various required signal processing through a programmable DSP module, and sends the processed data to a multi-function user terminal; similarly, Data can also be transmitted through the antenna through a similar process. In addition, using online and offline software, software radio can also realize the analysis and management of the communication environment, as well as business and performance upgrades. One of the main features of software radio is complete programmability, that is, RF frequency band and bandwidth, channel access method, transmission rate, interface type, service type, encryption method, etc. can be changed by software programming.
The open modular structure of software radio provides a good software and hardware platform for the realization of modulation and demodulation, but at the same time it also puts forward higher requirements for modulation and demodulation, that is, the modulation and demodulation method used can be adapted to different Bandwidth and different transmission rates. For this reason, how to design a modulation and demodulation technology to meet the needs of software radio will be the main issue to be discussed in this article. Various technologies of contemporary wireless communication are developing rapidly, and there are many modulation methods of various communication systems, including AM, FM (Frequency Modulation, frequency modulation), DSB (Double Side Band, double side band modulation signal), FSK (Frequency Shift Key, frequency Shift keying), PSK (Phasic Shift Key, phase shift keying), etc., its multiple access method is sometimes divided into multiple access, frequency division multiple access and code division multiple access. The differences in the modulation methods, multiple access methods, communication protocols, etc. of each communication system cause the differences between the receivers of each communication system. A receiver can only meet certain specific needs, but cannot meet various needs, so it increases the reception. The versatility of the machine is very meaningful. Among them, the receiving and processing of signals is the key to achieving universality. In order to achieve versatility, this article uses two commonly used methods of digital demodulation to process the signal.
2.1.1 Digital quadrature demodulation The following first introduces the digital quadrature demodulation scheme. Digital quadrature demodulation schemes are widely used in software radio receivers [5]. For AM signals, the baseband demodulation algorithm is. The data extraction of the output of the LPF (Low Pass Filter) is because the sampling rate required by the baseband signals I (In-phase) and Q (Quadrature) is much lower than the sampling rate of the modulation signal. This demodulation scheme eliminates the complex carrier synchronization process by using the square sum square root operation that can be implemented in the software, which not only reduces the amount of calculation, but also avoids the demodulation error (phase synchronization error and The relatively small frequency synchronization error does not affect the demodulation effect). Because it is still coherent demodulation, this demodulation scheme has good anti-interference performance.
Traditional quadrature demodulation circuits use analog devices. The inherent errors introduced by a series of analog devices reduce the performance of the quadrature demodulator, such as gain balance, quadrature balance, DC offset, impedance matching, and LO leakage etc. Nowadays, the traditional analog demodulation mechanism is being gradually replaced by digital demodulation, thereby improving the stability of the system and the flexibility of signal analysis.
Figure 2.1 Digital quadrature demodulation scheme
Figure 2.1 is a basic model of a digital quadrature demodulation circuit. This is a demodulator through digitization. Different types of modulated signals require different baseband demodulation algorithms. For AM signals, the baseband demodulated signal needs to complete sampling data sampling (lower the sampling frequency of the output signal of the low-pass filter), calculate the carrier amplitude, etc. The input analog intermediate frequency signal is first subjected to AD conversion to achieve digital sampling. The data stream is divided into two channels through a digital multiplier to multiply the cos component and sin component generated by the local digital oscillator to realize the movement of the input signal in the frequency domain, namely The carrier frequency is zero, and then enters the digital low-pass filter and extracts according to the signal bandwidth to obtain two baseband signals of the in-phase component I and the quadrature component Q, thereby realizing the down conversion of the intermediate frequency signal and the acquisition of the two orthogonal baseband signals . The above process can be explained in the form of a mathematical expression, and the signal after AD conversion is expressed in an orthogonal form:
Among them are the in-phase component and the quadrature component of the signal, respectively, the carrier frequency of the input intermediate frequency signal, and the digital oscillator signal (2.2)
Multiply to achieve down conversion:
After filtering the second harmonic component through the digital low-pass filter, the expected two baseband signals can be obtained:
According to different signal processing requirements, the output result is further processed by FPGA plus DSP. Due to the application of digital local oscillator, digital mixing and digital filter, the stability of the circuit is well guaranteed. By changing the frequency and phase of the digital local oscillator and the passband characteristics of the digital filter, the input can be obtained conveniently and flexibly The amplitude and phase characteristics of the intermediate frequency signal, and has a good consistency.
Orthogonal demodulation technology is widely used in radar, sonar, communications and other fields. The fully digital quadrature demodulation method based on direct intermediate frequency sampling technology has been widely researched and applied in recent years.
2.1.2 DFT-based digital demodulation literature [2] proposes an amplitude modulation signal (AM) digital demodulation algorithm based on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm in software radio, by sampling the digitized AM signal After the band-pass filter, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is performed according to the sampling value in each (or several) carrier period to find the amplitude of the carrier, and the DC quantity is removed.与数å—化æ£äº¤è§£è°ƒç»“构相比,çœåŽ»äº†æœ¬åœ°è½½æ³¢æ¢å¤ï¼Œä¸¤è·¯ä½Žé€šæ»¤æ³¢ï¼Œç®€å•è€Œæ˜“于实现,该解调方案仿真结果表明抗干扰性能也有所改善,å¯æœ›åœ¨é‡‡ç”¨AMä¿¡å·æ–¹å¼çš„æ•°å—化接收机的设计ä¸å¾—到应用。
ç”±DFT的性质å¯çŸ¥ï¼Œåºåˆ—就是AMä¿¡å·åŒ…ç»œçš„é‡‡æ ·å€¼ï¼Œåªè¦æ±‚出并去掉其ä¸çš„ç›´æµæˆåˆ†ä¾¿å¯æ£ç¡®æ¢å¤åŽŸä¿¡å·ã€‚
2.2 方案比较å‰é¢æ‰€è¿°çš„æ•°å—化æ£äº¤è§£è°ƒæ–¹æ³•å˜åœ¨å¦‚下缺点:
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3.1 A/D部分éšç€é€šä¿¡æŠ€æœ¯çš„迅速å‘展以åŠè®¡ç®—机的广泛应用,利用数å—系统处ç†æ¨¡æ‹Ÿä¿¡å·çš„情况å˜å¾—æ›´åŠ æ™®é。数å—电å计算机所处ç†å’Œä¼ é€çš„都是ä¸è¿žç»çš„æ•°å—ä¿¡å·ï¼Œè€Œå®žé™…ä¸é‡åˆ°çš„大都是连ç»å˜åŒ–的模拟é‡ï¼Œæ¨¡æ‹Ÿé‡ç»ä¼ 感器转æ¢æˆç”µä¿¡å·çš„模拟é‡åŽï¼Œéœ€ç»æ¨¡/数转æ¢å˜æˆæ•°å—ä¿¡å·æ‰å¯è¾“入到数å—系统ä¸è¿›è¡Œå¤„ç†å’ŒæŽ§åˆ¶ï¼Œå› 而作为把模拟电é‡è½¬æ¢æˆæ•°å—é‡è¾“出的接å£ç”µè·¯A/D转æ¢å™¨æ˜¯çŽ°å®žä¸–ç•Œä¸æ¨¡æ‹Ÿä¿¡å·å‘æ•°å—ä¿¡å·çš„æ¡¥æ¢ã€‚
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MATLABæ供了多ç§FIRæ•°å—滤波器的设计方法。选用ParksMcClellan最优滤波器设计是在与其他类型的滤波器进行仿真比较åŽå†³å®šçš„。作者用窗函数法ä¸çš„fir1函数进行设计,滤波åŽçš„波形延迟比较大,而且在稳定区内的波形也有所削弱。用基于最å°äºŒä¹˜çº¦æŸè®¾è®¡æ–¹æ³•çš„fircls函数进行设计,仿真结果表明ç 元稳定区的波形幅度有所å‡å°‘,而采用cremez函数设计出æ¥çš„滤波器是éžçº¿æ€§ç›¸ä½çš„,å‡ä½™å¼¦å‡½æ•°åˆ™ä¸»è¦æ˜¯ä½Žé€šæ»¤æ³¢ã€‚所以选用了ParksMcClellan设计算法。将上述带通滤波器应用于AMä¿¡å·çš„æ•°å—化解调仿真系统,å–得了比较满æ„的结果。
3.3 DFTè¿ç®—部分傅立å¶å˜æ¢åœ¨é€šä¿¡ä¸ŽæŽ§åˆ¶ç³»ç»Ÿçš„ç†è®ºç ”究和实际应用之ä¸ï¼Œé‡‡ç”¨é¢‘率域(频域)的分æžæ–¹æ³•æ¯”ç»å…¸çš„时间域(时域)方法有许多çªå‡ºçš„优点。当今,傅里å¶åˆ†æžæ–¹æ³•å·²æˆä¸ºä¿¡å·åˆ†æžä¸Žç³»ç»Ÿè®¾è®¡ä¸å¯ç¼ºå°‘çš„é‡è¦å·¥å…·ã€‚20世纪70年代,出现的å„ç§äºŒå€¼æ£äº¤å‡½æ•°ï¼ˆæ²ƒå°”什函数),它对通信ã€æ•°å—ä¿¡å·å¤„ç†ç‰æŠ€æœ¯é¢†åŸŸçš„ç ”ç©¶æ供了多ç§é€”径和手段。使人们认识到傅里å¶åˆ†æžä¸æ˜¯ä¿¡æ¯ç§‘å¦ä¸ŽæŠ€æœ¯é¢†åŸŸä¸å”¯ä¸€çš„å˜æ¢åŸŸæ–¹æ³•ã€‚
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图4.4 SSBä¿¡å·äº§ç”ŸåŽŸç†æ–¹æ¡†å›¾
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4.2.4 VSBä¿¡å·è°ƒåˆ¶ç®—法与实现残留边带(VSB)调制是一ç§å¹…度调制法,它是在åŒè¾¹å¸¦(DSB)调制的基础上,通过设计适当的输出滤波器,使信å·ä¸€ä¸ªè¾¹å¸¦çš„频谱æˆåˆ†åŽŸåˆ™ä¸Šä¿ç•™ï¼Œå¦ä¸€ä¸ªè¾¹å¸¦é¢‘è°±æˆåˆ†åªä¿ç•™å°éƒ¨åˆ†(残留)。所以说,残留边带调制是介于å•è¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶ä¸ŽæŠ‘制载波åŒè¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶ä¹‹é—´çš„一ç§è°ƒåˆ¶æ–¹å¼è¯¥è°ƒåˆ¶æ–¹æ³•ç”±äºŽå…¶ä¼ 输带宽介于DSBå’Œå•è¾¹å¸¦(SSB)之间,既比åŒè¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶èŠ‚çœé¢‘谱,åˆæ¯”å•è¾¹å¸¦æ˜“于解调.残留边带调制的å¦ä¸€ä¼˜ç‚¹æ˜¯ä¾¿äºŽå®žçŽ°ï¼Œå¯¹å‘射机功放的峰å‡æ¯”è¦æ±‚æ¯”è¾ƒä½Žï¼Œå› æ¤å®ƒåœ¨å¹¿æ’ã€ç”µè§†æŠ€æœ¯ç‰è®¸å¤šé¢†åŸŸå¾—到了广泛的应用,如美国ATSCæ•°å—电视地é¢ä¼ 输采用的就是残留边带调制方。
对于具有低频å³ç›´æµåˆ†é‡çš„调制信å·ï¼Œç”¨æ»¤æ³¢æ³•å®žçŽ°å•è¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶æ—¶æ‰€éœ€è¦çš„è¿‡æ¸¡å¸¦æ˜¯æ— é™é™¡çš„ç†æƒ³æ»¤æ³¢å™¨ï¼Œåœ¨æ®‹ç•™è¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶ä¸å·²ä¸å†éœ€è¦ï¼Œè¿™å°±é¿å…äº†å®žçŽ°ä¸Šçš„å›°éš¾ã€‚å…¶ä»£ä»·æ˜¯ä¼ è¾“é¢‘å¸¦å¢žå®½äº†ä¸€äº›ã€‚
残æ—边带常被è¿ç”¨åœ¨ç”µè§†ä¿¡å·çš„ä¼ è¾“ä¸Šï¼Œ å› ä¸ºVSBä¿¡å·æ— SSBè°ƒå˜ä¿¡å·çš„低频å“åº”å·®çš„ç¼ºç‚¹ï¼Œä¸”æ— DSB-SCè°ƒå˜ä¿¡å·æ³¢çš„频宽,ï¤æ— AMè°ƒå˜ä¿¡å·æ¶ˆè€—å¤§åŠŸï¥¡çš„ç¼ºç‚¹ã€‚å› æ¤ï¼Œå¯¹äºŽè§†é¢‘基带讯å·ï¼Œæ—¢å¯èŠ‚ï¥è¾¹å¸¦çš„频宽,åˆå¯ç®€åŒ–接收电路的æˆæœ¬ï¼Œ 故使用VSBè°ƒå˜å°±æ˜¾å¾—å分é‡è¦ã€‚ 讨论残边带调å˜ä½œä¸ºå‰æ时,让我们ï¤è€ƒè™‘åŒè¾¹å¸¦ä¸Žè½½æ³¢åœ¨ä¸€èµ·çš„情形。 å‡è®¾è¾“入的基频信å·ä¸ºï¼ˆ4.10)
图4.7 残留边带调制(VSB)的滤波法形æˆç”¨æ»¤æ³¢æ³•å®žçŽ°æ®‹ç•™è¾¹å¸¦è°ƒåˆ¶çš„原ç†å¦‚图4.6所示。图ä¸ä¸ºæ®‹ç•™è¾¹å¸¦æ»¤æ³¢å™¨ï¼Œæ®‹ç•™éƒ¨åˆ†ä¸Šè¾¹å¸¦æ—¶æ»¤æ³¢å™¨çš„ä¼ é€’å‡½æ•°å¦‚å›¾4.7所示。由滤波法å¯çŸ¥ï¼Œæ®‹ç•™è¾¹å¸¦ä¿¡å·çš„频谱为(4.13)
图4.8 残留部