Keda Xunfei Chairman Recommends Artificial Intelligence Products: Translating 22 Chinese Dialects

At the 2018 Annual Meeting of Boao Forum for Asia, Liu Qingfeng, Chairman of Keda Xunfei, was busy recommending his own artificial intelligence products: The self-transported Xunfei real-time interpreter can understand 22 Chinese local dialects and convert them into English in real time; at the media briefing, Liu Qingfeng The "Yangtze River Mandarin" is presented as a Chinese character on a computer screen by "listening to the conference system."

However, Liu Qingfeng told the time financial reporter that the launch of the translation machine is not based on short-term business realization, just to solve the user's needs. He also reminded that investors must be cautious when they want to be a translator and a translator.

In Liu Qingfeng's vision, the artificial intelligence technology of the University of Science and Technology is more important than making money. “Can the machine be a general practitioner? Anhui has opened more than 150 robots to help patients see patients. They are now accurate to the level of senior doctors at the front line, but HKUST will hope that the future machine will become the top doctor. Liu Qingfeng said, "The University of Science and Technology has also undertaken the national tasks of Chinese and Uighur, Chinese and Tibetan. We have established joint laboratories with Tibet University and Xinjiang University."

Before the realization of the vision of artificial intelligence, the University of Science and Technology has created a myth of wealth. Since its listing on May 12, 2008, the market value of HKUST has increased by 26 times; the annual compound growth rate of operating income has reached 40%, and the cumulative growth rate has exceeded 21 times in 10 years; the average annual growth rate of net profit has reached 23%. The cumulative increase has been six times a year.

The same is the artificial intelligence concept stock, the US chip manufacturer Nvidia has received a large number of GPU orders, customers use to develop artificial intelligence, the company's market capitalization and revenue on the AI ​​Express. At the same time, Baidu and Google, which are in the field of artificial intelligence, plan to develop artificial intelligence processors independently.

Liu Qingfeng does not believe that chip technology is the ceiling for the development of artificial intelligence. He analyzed that the new era of artificial intelligence meets everyone's individual needs, it is difficult to have a product that meets everyone's needs, and a separate chip is needed in a subdivision scenario. This is not something that can be done.

"Today you are a big product, you start a business, the giants are fancy, the funds are coming in, free, you are out, and the future of artificial intelligence segmentation is easier to succeed." Liu Qingfeng stressed. At present, Keda Xunfei holds the equity of Cambrian and Shangtang Technology, the former is the chip maker and the latter is the algorithm research enterprise. After the C round of financing, Shang Tang Technology has a valuation of more than 4.5 billion US dollars, becoming the highest AI company in the world.

Early warning industry risks, Liu Qingfeng proposed that artificial intelligence will increase the number of unemployed people, and consider social security issues in the development process. As for the artificial intelligence threat theory, he said that in the short term, the machine cannot be self-aware.

Liu Qingfeng gave a free translation machine of the University of Science and Technology to each reporter who participated in the media meeting. He said that at this stage we did not expect it to make money. Last year, it sold 200,000 units and hundreds of millions of dollars, but it was not very big.

"Xunfei is our early dream. I entered the Human-Computer Voice Communication Laboratory of China University of Science and Technology in 1992. At that time, the first sentence that the tutor told me was to automatically translate the phone. Unfortunately, it has not been realized yet." Liu Qingfeng said.

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