Industry 4.0 is not just about technology but about people's interconnection and collaboration

Industry 4.0 became the focus of the 2018 London Smart IoT Show. Henrik von Scheel, a member of the Industry 4.0 Council and one of the founders of Digital Agenda 2020, pointed out in his speech that Industry 4.0 will change everything in people's daily lives, business life, the economy, and everything in the industry. the way. This is not a small change, but a major change that happens faster than before. According to reports, von Scheel said that Industry 4.0 is not about technology, but about people, about how people are connected and how they work together.

Industry 4.0 is not just about technology but about people's interconnection and collaboration.

Industry 4.0 certainly means innovation in transformation and productivity, automation, etc., but at its core is how people and people interact with each other. British Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and his predecessor George Osborne both promoted the role of technology and R&D in the UK economy, and developed plans for self-driving trials, improved broadband networks, 5G and various innovation funds. The UK government has been keen to link technology growth with industry strategy and published the report "Industrial Strategy: building a Britain fit for the future" in late 2017. Von Scheel pointed out that as long as the UK understands that the key to Industry 4.0 is the Internet of Things (IoT), there is an opportunity to capture the market. These pillars are very powerful pillars, each of which interconnects all industries to support each other. For example, artificial intelligence (AI) is entering leading companies, while other companies are entering the architecture, but the key differentiating factors are the algorithms and how they are managed.

The speed at which AI enters the business world is very fast. In the case of blockchains, most people think that it is concerned with cryptocurrencies, but this is not the case. The blockchain can be used for smart contracts in all industries and will change the way transactions are done.

If companies don't pay much attention to network security, it can't be better. Emerging technologies and cybersecurity are rapidly developing at the same time, which is a balanced performance. According to von Schee, the weakest link among all the factors is cybersecurity, because it will appear on all existing things and always take a step ahead.

Von Scheel also predicts six key trends in the UK in the next two years, including unprecedented growth, future algorithmic control, new services and business models, automated productivity and workflow, M2M/M2H productivity improvements and safety and safety. Redefinition of trade.

South Africa Plug

The South African plug is also called the SANS South African National Standard Plug. SANS is modified from the SABS standard. The South African National Standard plug is divided into a large South African plug and a small South African plug, usually three cylindrical shapes forming a triangle. The largest pin (ground wire) in South Africa is 8.7±0.04mm (cross-sectional diameter), and the two small pins (live wire and neutral wire) are 7.05±0.04mm. The largest pin (ground) of Small South Africa is 7.05±0.04mm, and the two small pins (live wire and neutral wire) are 5.07±0.04mm. Small South Africa is basically the same as Big South Africa. The small South African pins are smaller than the large South African pins, and the spacing between the small South African pins is smaller than the spacing between the large South African pins.

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