Four major engineering orders exceed 300 million urgently looking for multiple types of lamps

Aladdin Lighting Network Purchasing Group released four major engineering orders, the purchase of lamps exceeded 300 million, bridge lighting spotlights, hotel lighting, KTV indoor and outdoor lighting products, export air rose and other types of lamps urgently seeking quotations.

Please contact: Aladdin Lighting Network Buyer Group

Mr. Liang 020-38399467 QQ

Miss Luo 020-38010548 QQ

300 million large single demand bridge lighting spotlights

Looking for spotlights for bridge lighting, high quality standards are required, and the wick is guaranteed to withstand more than 50,000 hours. Samples will be taken to the US for testing.

KTV indoor and outdoor lighting project on the 5th floor of Chifeng

Have a perfect rendering, please recommend the product and quotation according to the rendering. (requires LED module, point source, fiber, surface illumination, etc.)

Partial renderings (please contact the buyer group for all renderings)

Hotel engineering needs series of lamps

Our company is now receiving a hotel project, which requires the following products, please provide product pictures and parameters and quote the price.

Purchased products: bedside lamp wall lamp\table lamp downlight\door lamp bathroom lamp\common area downlight

Purchase information details

Large quantities of two types of products are exported (requires UL certification):

1, LED tube for outdoor buildings

2, aerial rose probe light

Detailed requirements for purchasing lamps


Current Sensor

High Metering Current Transformer,Ct Transformer,Current Transducer,Rogowski Coil Current Sensor