Low power consumption to fanless Haswell

Low power consumption to fanless Haswell In the end is the user's needs in the promotion of technological progress, or the miracle of the star companies to promote the industry? The answer is unknown, but for the controversial PC industry, Intel led the OEM began before and after attack.

The ultrabook published in Taipei may be doomed to continue to change here. Driven by the 22nm process technology and the lowest 6W power consumption, Intel's fourth-generation Core processor will change the diaphragm between the laptop and tablet.

Tablet PCs, or laptops? This one-of-a-kind topic has overwhelmed PC practitioners over the past year or so. IDC predicts that PC sales will fall by 7.8% in 2013, while flat-panel shipments in 2013 will increase by 58.7% year-on-year to 229.3 million units, which is more than portable PCs.

The general trend is irreversible, and Intel's answer is also very simple. Just integrate yourself and the previous OEM partners into the new growth space. The fourth-generation Core and the latest mobile chip is a stepping stone.

This is more like a pinch attack. On the laptop, Core Core has more room for imagination, and on the tablet, the Bay Trail chip is also a breakthrough in the core manufacturers such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.

Low power consumption without fans

Power consumption has always been the weakness of X86. Intel chose to die for its biggest drawback. Haswell has better power control, and the core graphics are further enhanced; integrated voltage regulators are integrated. So for the latest Haswell chips, the biggest improvement is power consumption.

But how low is the power consumption? Intel demonstrated a conceptual fanless Win8 tablet. Although there is no entity or price, this concept is already a landmark breakthrough. Because there is no fan, X86, iPad's thickness is replaced with Core's. The chip, which gives OEM a huge imagination.

Tang Kerui, Intel’s senior vice president and general manager of the sales and marketing division, said that the new Core Duo processor is the largest among the Intel generation processors. In addition to a significant increase in graphics processing power, Intel began to dare to speak of its own power consumption: the lowest to 6W.

What can be done with low power consumption? There are ultrabook samples that have been used for 9 hours using regular batteries, but on the other hand, some of the existing products that Comutex has shown have yet to meet this standard.

As a result, Intel is trying to use this product to find the border between tablet computers and notebook PCs, the "two-in-one" PC. No matter how twisted, buckled is a flat, open laptop computer experience has become the mainstream advocated by Intel.

Atom intrusion into core vendors

Tablets are growing at a rapid rate. In addition to the iPad, Samsung is the only company with stable sales in the global market. This fast-growing Android market is actually flooded with a large number of white-brand low-end products. In fact, sales are very high.

Intel announced in the evening that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet adopts the Atom processor, which directly proves that Intel takes a firm step on the tablet.

In fact, Intel also exhibited a 22-nm quad-core Atom processor, a smart phone reference design platform based on the SOC, and came up with a 4G LTE solution, which is all about clearing the obstacles in the mobile market.

The bigger breakthrough is the system. No matter how much Android shares, Apple CEO Cook has a rhetoric, that 80% of the data comes from the iPad, he also said: "Android Tablet buy back really use it?" But once the popular Win8 tablet, Cook may not sit still Now.

The bigger problem is that Microsoft's Win8 is still flawed, and even early disclosure of Windows 8.1 is difficult to mature.

The stage where Intel doesn't even know what users like is the best strategy is what they are doing. "Chrome OS, win8, and Android, we all do our best. We all support the best. The last thing we buy is our chips."

The spear and shield in the attack strategy

Not just Intel, it's hard for vendors to know what consumers want now, so most company strategies are not single before. Whether it is Lenovo 360-degree Yoga or HP's turn screen, the first batch of production is not too big. It would rather be out of stock when it is sold, and it will not be able to make up for the raw materials that will soon fall.

There is such a possibility that Intel's attack strategy is that Core power consumption is reduced quickly enough to reach the level of Atom. The graphics chip is invisible and needs to start high-speed 3D operation in 6W, and it does not need to be infinitely close to zero. The other situation is that Atom performance improves faster, and Core Duo will go back to the top of the desktop PC.

No matter what the outcome is, it is good for Intel, because it is nothing more than a fight between the left hand and the right hand, and the last one is their own income.

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