Experts recommend pushing children's LED lighting products mandatory national standard

In the first quarter of the school year, many parents choose eye protection for their children. However, some medical experts pointed out that many LED lamps have serious blue light overflow problems, which can cause irreversible damage to children's retina. Electric light source experts suggest that the current national recommendation standard should be changed to mandatory, and it is recommended that government departments carry out special risk monitoring for indoor LED lighting products.

The reporter saw in the Liuying Road lighting market that almost every brand has launched LED student eye protection lamp, a well-known foreign brand, priced at 1580 yuan, sales staff said, this is because it can do not strobe .

“No stroboscopic is impossible.” Yu Anqi, deputy director of the Shanghai Center for Quality Supervision and Inspection of National Electric Light Sources, said that lamps that do not have “strobe” need to be powered by DC. For technical reasons, there is almost no production in China, so those so-called “no stroboscopic” "It's just the gimmick of the business promotion.

"There is also a blue light overflow problem of LED lamps, which has been widely criticized." Yu Anqi said that blue light is a kind of color light, which is common in various lamps, which is inevitable, and most LED lamps on the market are through chips. Blue light is emitted to stimulate the yellow phosphor to reconcile into white light, especially if the control is not good.

The technicians in the electric light source industry pointed out that excessive blue light is used for indoor lighting, which will have a series of effects on human physiology, psychology and optic nerve. At present, there is a sprayed illuminating diffuser technology for secondary packaging of LED lamps, which is lower than the bio-safety index of traditional LED lamps. The head of the technology, Deng Yaqin, chairman of Shanghai Xiangling Optoelectronics Technology Development Co., Ltd., said that their export products in the EU test, the blue light overflow value is only one-fifth of the standard. But Yu Anqi reminded that LED lamps are not suitable for use as student desk lamps, the best is still incandescent lamps.

Yu Anqi believes that the danger of blue light is related to people's health. He suggested that the current national recommendation standard should be changed to mandatory and included in the lighting level CCC standard. It is recommended that government departments carry out special risk monitoring for indoor LED lighting products.

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