At the ECOC2014 exhibition in Cannes, several members of the OIF Physical and Link Layer (PLL) Working Group, including Xilinx, demonstrated multi-company interoperability of the OIF CEI-28G-VSR and CEI-25G-LR interfaces Sex test. The demonstration includes interoperability between fiber and active copper, covering the emerging CFP4 MSA using OIF CEI-25G-LR electrical specifications to long-distance backplanes using OIF CEI-28G-VSR electrical specifications and QSFP28 passive copper cable. CFP4100GBASE-LR4/ ER4f Interoperability with CEI-28G-VSR: The Xilinx FPGA driver CEI-28G-VSR designed with the serial IO analyzer IBERT is inserted into a host card of the Finisar CFP4 ER4f module. A JDSU CFP4100GBASE-LR4 module is located at the far end of the link. Each module is interoperated with 100GBASE-LR4 through a 10km long single mode fiber. JDSU's CFP4 module uses a connector from Yamaichi to drive the OIF-28G-VSR to a 100GbE CDR from Inphi to verify the fidelity of the PRBS-31 data mode. Independently, Inphi's 100GbE CDR drives the OIF-28G-VSR to the JDSU CFP4 module, which in turn drives a 40km long single mode fiber. The data received by Finisar's CFP4 ER4f module shows a bit error rate that exceeds this specification (1E-6). Finisar's CFP4 ER4f module drives the CEI-28G-VSR to the Xilinx FPGA and verifies the PRBS-31 data pattern as well. Backplane Demonstration Using CEI-25G-LR #1: A Xilinx Virtex FPGA UltraScale Drives Four Channel OIF CEI-25G-LR to Generate 100Gbps Operation, Connected via a Molex Reference Backplane, End-to-End at 12.9GHz Loss >25db. Each channel carries a PRBS-31 data pattern at a rate of 25.78125 Gbps. VirtexUltraScale FPGA generates and checks PRBS on-chip. Using the CEI-25G-LR Backplane Demo #2: A Xilinx Virtex FPGA's UltraScale-driven four-channel CEI-25G-LR is a reference backplane system from TE ConnecTIvity. The backplane system consists of two STRADA Whisper connectors with Semtech's GN2504 quad-timer board at the end, running an error-free PRBS31 data mode at 25.78125 Gbps. Details of these demonstrations can be found in the OIF White Paper: Multi-vendor interoperability testing of CFP4, QSFP28 and backplanes using the CEI-28G-VSR and CEI-25G-LR interfaces at ECOC2014. System Integration,Monitoring System Battery,Anti-Theft System Battery,Hybrid Power System Battery Wolong Electric Group Zhejiang Dengta Power Source Co.,Ltd ,